September, Thursday 19, 2024

Stricter regulations imposed on Italian influencers


The Italian Communications Authority (AGCOM) has announced that social media influencers in Italy may soon be subject to the same regulations as traditional media outlets. The new rules will initially apply to content creators with more than one million followers. AGCOM boss Giacomo Lasorella stated that "The Wild West of influencers is over". He added that while the regulations will start with the larger influencers, others will also be required to comply. The guidelines will require influencers to clearly label brand collaborations and disclose their commercial interests, with significant fines being imposed for non-compliance. The regulations also seek to protect children, with strict penalties for influencers who fail to properly disclose their collaborations with brands, including fines of up to €250,000 (€214,450). AGCOM emphasized that these measures aim to address "commercial communication, and the protection of fundamental rights of people, minors, and sporting values". The guidelines also require influencers to include a warning about the advertising nature of the content in cases of product placement. While many may link this decision to a recent scandal involving top Italian influencer Chiara Ferragni, AGCOM denies any connection. Ferragni was fined €1.075m for misleading claims that sales of a pink Christmas cake would benefit a children's hospital in Turin. Stricter regulations have been introduced for influencers in other European countries, including France, where influencers could face jail time for breaking promotional regulations, and the European Commission, which has pledged to increase scrutiny of the activities and practices of influencers.