September, Friday 20, 2024

Israel accuses South Africa of distorting the truth in ICJ genocide case


Israel has accused South Africa of distorting the truth and presenting a misleading description of the Israel-Palestinian conflict in its case to the International Court of Justice (ICJ). South Africa has accused Israel of committing genocide against the Palestinians in its war in Gaza and is seeking an order from the court to halt Israel's military activity. The ICJ is the highest court of the United Nations, but its rulings are not enforceable. South Africa argues that Israel is violating the 1949 Genocide Convention and calls for the prevention of genocide. Israel, on the other hand, claims to be defending itself against Hamas and minimizing civilian harm. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu criticized South Africa for its hypocrisy and accused it of ignoring atrocities committed by Hamas' partners. The ICJ's ruling on the genocide allegation is yet to come, but the court may provide a swift decision on South Africa's request to suspend Israel's military campaign.