September, Friday 20, 2024

33 Palestinians freed as truce extends between Israel and Gaza


Since the beginning of the truce between Israel and Hamas, more Palestinians have been released from Israeli prisons. A total of 33 people were freed, bringing the number of Palestinians released to 150. As part of the deal, Hamas released 51 Israeli hostages, including three-year-old twin sisters. Qatar has announced that the pause in fighting will be extended for two days, although Israel has not confirmed or denied this. Despite the release, little information has been provided about the latest group of Palestinians freed. Hamas and Qatar had previously announced that 30 Palestinian children and three women would be among those released. The Israel Prison Service confirmed the release of 33 individuals from Ofer prison in the West Bank and a detention center in Jerusalem, without specifying their genders or ages. The released prisoners were seen arriving in Ramallah in a bus, where they were greeted by people carrying Hamas flags. Separately, a Palestinian boy named Muhammad Abu Al-Humus was reunited with his mother and other family members in east Jerusalem. Details about his detention were not provided. With the temporary suspension of fighting, aid organizations have taken the opportunity to send essential supplies to Gaza. Hamas has committed to releasing an additional 20 women and children if the truce is extended for two more days. Israel has not explicitly commented on the extension, but Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office has approved the inclusion of 50 female prisoners in the list of those eligible for release, in case more Israeli hostages are released.