September, Thursday 19, 2024

Iran showcases its missile prowess by conducting strikes across the region


The article discusses the recent strikes conducted by Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), highlighting Iran's emergence as a significant regional military power. The IRGC has openly declared that its ballistic missiles can reach US bases in the Middle East, as well as Israeli bases in Tel Aviv and Haifa. Within a span of 24 hours, the IRGC demonstrated its capabilities by launching missiles and drones at targets in three different countries. In Pakistan, the IRGC attacked two bases of the militant group Jaish al-Adl in retaliation for the killing of Iranian border guards. Pakistan criticized the strikes, stating that they were "completely unacceptable" and resulted in the deaths of two children. Similarly, Iraq condemned the IRGC's attack on Irbil, the capital of the semi-autonomous Kurdistan Region. The IRGC launched 11 ballistic missiles at the city, leading to the deaths of at least four civilians. The attacks targeted the home of Kurdish businessman Peshraw Dizayee, who was killed along with his 11-month-old daughter. The IRGC claimed that it also targeted Israeli facilities in Irbil, which served as a domestic political message in Iran. The attack was seen as a response to a suspected Israeli strike in Syria that killed a senior commander. Additionally, the IRGC launched missiles at alleged bases of the Islamic State (IS) group in Syria's Idlib province. These strikes were in retaliation for IS suicide bombings in Iran that killed 94 people. Overall, the IRGC's actions highlight its increasing military capabilities and its ability to target various locations, including those near US and Israeli bases. The choice of missiles and launch locations suggests Iran's desire to showcase its capacity to reach locations in Israel.