September, Friday 20, 2024

Gaza's Internet Disrupted as Israel Broadens Military Actions


The situation in Gaza has escalated with intense Israeli airstrikes and the confirmation that Israeli forces are expanding their ground operations. Internet and phone communications in the territory have been completely cut off. The monitoring service Netblocks has reported a "collapse in connectivity." This outage is causing serious concerns for the Palestinian Red Crescent as it hampers their ability to provide emergency medical services, including the central emergency number '101.' At the same time, rocket fire from Gaza has triggered sirens in southern Israel. The Israeli military has urged residents of Gaza City to move south, signaling the expansion of their military operation. The military spokesperson, Daniel Hagari, stated that the air force has significantly increased attacks on underground targets and terrorist infrastructure. However, due to the communication blackout, it is currently impossible to reach people in Gaza. Even attempts to send messages through platforms like WhatsApp have been unsuccessful. The complete darkness across the region and the failure of messages to be delivered are further aggravating the situation. The Palestinian telecoms provider, Jawwal, has reported a total interruption of communication and internet services, noting that the ongoing aggression has severed the last international routes connecting Gaza with the outside world. The Israeli military has been asked to comment on the communications outage, but they have not responded thus far.