September, Thursday 19, 2024

Unraveling the Chaos on TikTok: From Riots to Baseless Murder Blame


An investigation by BBC Three has revealed that TikTok is driving online frenzies that encourage anti-social behavior in the real world. Former employees of the social media app have stated that the issue is not being addressed due to fears that it could slow down the app's growth. These frenzies, in which TikTok generates disproportionate engagement on certain topics, have led to disruption and disorder in everyday life. The investigation found that TikTok's algorithm and design expose users to videos they wouldn't normally be recommended, thus incentivizing them to do unusual things in their own videos. While TikTok has previously distanced itself from outbreaks of disorder, the investigation identified four recent episodes where disproportionate engagement on TikTok was connected to harmful behavior. Former staffers have compared these frenzies to "wildfires" and described them as "dangerous," particularly because TikTok's audience includes young and impressionable individuals. TikTok spokespersons have claimed that their algorithm prioritizes safety and brings communities together, recommending various types of content to disrupt repetitive patterns and removing harmful misinformation. However, the investigation revealed instances where TikTok's influence has led to harmful outcomes, such as false accusations and interference in criminal cases. Overall, the investigation highlights the potential negative impacts of TikTok's design and algorithm, and the challenges of addressing harmful content while maintaining the app's popularity.