September, Friday 20, 2024

India seeks to overturn death penalties of former naval officers in Qatar


India has appealed to Qatar regarding the death sentences given to eight former Indian naval officers for undisclosed charges. Last year, the men were arrested on suspicion of spying while working with a private company in Qatar. The specific charges against them have not been revealed by either country. India's external affairs ministry spokesperson stated that an appeal had already been filed against the verdict, and the ministry had consular access to the detainees. The Indian government expressed shock over the verdict and promised to address the issue with Qatari authorities. Although the men were described by the foreign ministry as employees of a private company called Al Dahra, they are widely believed to be ex-personnel of the Indian Navy. Little information concerning the charges against them has been confirmed. While some reports alleged that they were accused of breaching sensitive secrets, this has not been confirmed by either government. The ongoing diplomatic tensions between India and Qatar over this case may impact their bilateral relations. India has a large number of nationals living and working in the Gulf region, playing a significant role in the economy and providing remittances back to India.