September, Friday 20, 2024

Photographs reveal extensive destruction to Gaza's historic mosque


Recently released footage exposes the extensive damage caused to Gaza's oldest mosque, sparking accusations from Hamas that the Israeli military deliberately bombed the site. The video, authenticated by the BBC, shows the Great Omari Mosque in ruins, except for its minaret which remains standing. Hamas officials have condemned what they call a "heinous, barbaric crime," while the Israeli military has yet to comment on the incident. The mosque, which originated in the 7th Century on the grounds of a Byzantine church, has faced destruction multiple times due to conflicts and natural disasters but has been rebuilt on each occasion. Named after Omar, the second caliph of Islam, the mosque is situated in Gaza City's old town. Criticizing Israel for targeting historical and archaeological landmarks in Gaza, the Hamas administration responsible for antiquities has sought the intervention of UNESCO, the UN's cultural agency, to safeguard these sites. In response, Israel has accused Hamas of concealing fighters within mosques, schools, and other civilian facilities. The Israeli Defense Forces initiated military action in Gaza following a deadly attack by Hamas on Israel. According to Israel, the attack resulted in 1,200 casualties and the abduction of 240 individuals, some of whom were later released during a short-lived ceasefire. In contrast, Hamas claims that Israel's retaliatory campaign has led to the deaths of more than 17,177 people, including approximately 7,000 children.