September, Thursday 19, 2024

Regretting My Role in Assisting George Santos, a Deceptive Figure in Congress


Congressman George Santos is facing a vote to be expelled from the US House of Representatives. The BBC interviewed several of his constituents, friends, and staff who feel betrayed by his lies. One of his friends, Cathy Soref, initially found him charming when they met at a fundraiser. However, their friendship fell apart when it was revealed that Santos had lied about his biography and was involved in fraud scandals. He is accused of using campaign funds for personal enrichment and deceit to climb the political ladder. While Santos has admitted to fabricating parts of his background, he denies any criminal wrongdoing. Despite the charges, he has refused to resign. His acquaintances and employees, who once supported him, are now scarred by their association with him. One of his former aides, Naysa Woomer, believes that he should be expelled from Congress as he is unfit to serve. However, some, like Soref, fear that his expulsion would mean losing a key Republican vote in Congress. Nonetheless, many of his former supporters deeply regret their support for Santos and feel betrayed by his lies.