September, Friday 20, 2024

Living in a Nation Teetering on the Edge: A Profound Sense of Despair


A severe economic downturn in Laos has left many young graduates disillusioned and desperate for better opportunities abroad. The crisis, caused by government borrowing for Chinese-backed infrastructure projects, has resulted in budget cuts, high inflation, and currency depreciation. Many young Laotians no longer believe in their government and feel compelled to leave the country. The economic instability has also led to a decline in the value of the country's currency, making everyday essentials more expensive. The high youth unemployment rate and lack of prospects have created a sense of hopelessness among the younger generation. Dissenting voices and criticism of the government are often silenced, creating a climate of fear and limited avenues for change. China's influence and control over Laos have raised concerns about the country becoming a vassal state. The economic crisis and its impacts will likely continue to burden young Laotians for years to come.