September, Thursday 19, 2024

First-ever human case of influenza discovered in pigs in the UK


Health officials in the UK have confirmed that one person has been diagnosed with a strain of flu similar to the viruses that are spreading in pigs. This is the first time that this particular strain has been detected in the UK, and efforts are underway to trace close contacts of the infected individual. The case was discovered during routine flu surveillance after the person visited their general practitioner for testing. Fortunately, the person had a mild illness and has since fully recovered. The source of their infection is currently being investigated. It is important to note that there is no evidence of this flu strain being transmitted from person to person. Although rare, human infections with swine flu viruses do occur, with around 50 cases of this particular strain (A(H1N2)v) reported globally in the past 20 years. In August, the United States also reported a case. Health officials have highlighted that while the strain found in the UK is slightly different from recent human cases worldwide, it is similar to the viruses found in pigs in the country. The incident director at the UK Health Security Agency has emphasized the need for swift action to trace close contacts and prevent any potential spread. Investigations are currently underway to determine how the person acquired the infection and whether there are any other associated cases. The Chief Veterinary Officer has also stressed the importance of maintaining high standards of animal health, welfare, and biosecurity, and has called on pig keepers to report any signs of swine flu in their herds to local veterinarians.