September, Thursday 19, 2024

EU warns of high risk for Christmas attacks


A senior EU official has issued a warning about the high risk of terrorist attacks in the European Union during the upcoming holiday season. European Home Affairs Commission Ylva Johansson stated that the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict was intensifying societal polarization and increasing the likelihood of violence. Her comments came shortly after a fatal stabbing incident in Paris. In response to the elevated threat, the EU has allocated an additional €30 million for enhanced security measures. However, Johansson did not provide specific information that led to the warning. German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser echoed the concerns, emphasizing the need to closely monitor threats and propaganda that may lead to radicalization of violent Islamist perpetrators. Numerous European countries have witnessed an increase in hate crimes following the attacks in Israel. The recent attack near the Eiffel Tower, in which a German tourist was killed and others were injured, illustrates the urgency of the situation. The suspect, a 26-year-old Frenchman, had previously been involved in terror-related activities. The incident highlights the need for heightened vigilance and security measures. Germany has also been on high alert, detaining individuals suspected of planning militant Islamist attacks on Christmas markets. The head of German domestic intelligence in the state of Thuringia has warned about the significant potential danger posed by Hamas sympathizers, not only during Christmas markets but also major upcoming sporting events such as the Paris Olympics and Euro 2024 football championships.