September, Thursday 19, 2024

Enormous prehistoric metropolis discovered deep within the Amazon rainforest.


Archaeologists have discovered a vast ancient city in the Amazon that was hidden for thousands of years by dense vegetation. The findings challenge previous beliefs about the history of people in the region. The city, located in the Upano area in eastern Ecuador, features an intricate network of roads and canals connecting houses and plazas. The discovery is significant because it was previously believed that people in the Amazon only lived in small nomadic settlements. The city is estimated to be around 2,500 years old and was inhabited for up to 1,000 years. It is difficult to determine the exact population, but it is believed to have reached the tens or hundreds of thousands. Using LiDAR technology, the scientists were able to identify over 6,000 rectangular platforms that were likely used for homes or ceremonial purposes. The city also had a sophisticated road network, including one that stretched 25km. The researchers believe that the city's inhabitants were well-organized and interconnected. The discovery opens up new possibilities for understanding ancient civilizations in the Amazon and highlights the need to revisit preconceived notions about what constitutes culture and civilization in the region.