September, Friday 20, 2024

Reducing Cancer Medication Expenses: Innovative Approaches by Indian Hospitals


Cachar Cancer Centre in Silchar, India has seen a rise in patients from nearby towns and villages thanks to a new initiative that is making cancer drugs more affordable. The hospital is part of the National Cancer Grid, a collection of treatment centres that have joined forces to buy drugs in bulk and reduce costs by over 85%. This has been a lifesaver for many of India's poorest people who cannot afford the expensive and lengthy cancer treatments. Many families are pushed to their financial limit or cannot access necessary treatment at all. The initiative has made drugs available at a third of the cost in patients' home cities. This programme is crucial in India as most healthcare resources are concentrated in larger cities, leaving rural areas with limited access to treatment. The initiative to bulk-buy drugs is led by Tata Memorial Hospital in Mumbai and has been successful in saving costs. It has attracted interest from other hospitals and state governments across the country. This type of initiative could be significant in helping cancer patients globally, especially in lower and middle income countries.