September, Friday 20, 2024

Unveiling How Hamas Executed a Surprise Attack on Israel


On Saturday, while many Israelis were still asleep, a large-scale and coordinated attack was launched by Hamas from the Gaza Strip. This attack, which was unprecedented in its scale, took place during the Jewish Sabbath and a holy festival day when families were spending time together at home or in synagogues. The attack began with a hail of rockets that overwhelmed Israel's Iron Dome defence system. It is estimated that thousands of rockets were fired in a short period of time, indicating months of planning and stockpiling by Hamas. As the rockets rained down, militants were also attempting to breach Israel's heavily fortified Gaza barrier in multiple locations. The attack included direct assaults on barrier crossing points, with militants overrunning checkpoints and penetrating the barrier. Footage taken on the ground shows militants firing at Israeli troops and going from room to room in military compounds. The attack resulted in the deaths of hundreds of Israelis within a few hours. Hamas also targeted military sites and took hostages, transporting them back into Gaza. The speed and effectiveness of the attack has left Israel stunned, and questions about how this was allowed to happen will be investigated for years to come. Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared that the country is now at war.