September, Friday 20, 2024

Hamas' Creation of an Attack Force Targeting Israel on October 7th


A BBC News analysis has revealed that five armed Palestinian groups joined forces with Hamas in the deadly attack on Israel on 7 October. The groups had been training together in military-style exercises since 2020. These joint drills took place in Gaza and mirrored the tactics used during the attack, including hostage-taking, compound raids, and breaching Israel's defenses. The exercises were documented in videos posted on social media. Hamas orchestrated the training sessions to unite Gaza's factions and enhance their combat methods, leading to the raid that sparked the ongoing conflict. The groups involved in the attack have claimed responsibility and are currently being sought by Hamas, as they reportedly took women and children hostage. The joint drills, known as Strong Pillar, showcased the unity among Gaza's armed groups, with Hamas as the dominant force in the coalition. Videos from the drills also revealed that the training sites were located in close proximity to Israeli observation posts and barriers. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) were aware of the drills but failed to anticipate the scale of the attack. The exact number of fighters involved in the assault remains uncertain, but it is estimated that only a fraction of the armed operatives in Gaza participated. The consequences of the attack and potential intelligence failures by Israel could have significant implications for the military, intelligence services, and government. It may take several years for Israel to fully evaluate its response to the attack and address any missed opportunities in preventing it.