September, Friday 20, 2024

Are horror games currently experiencing a golden age?


According to the latest videogame sales charts for 2023, horror games are now reigning supreme. The top sellers this year include Resident Evil 4 Remake and Dead Space, showcasing the ongoing popularity of the horror genre. Sam Lake, the writer of Alan Wake 2, believes that the genre is currently experiencing a "golden age," which is why the sequel has leaned further into horror. To delve deeper into the world of horror games, Newsbeat spoke with some well-known horror game developers to uncover the secrets of the scare trade and discuss its future. According to Capcom, the Japanese developer behind the Resident Evil series, video games offer something that films and TV cannot - interactivity. They argue that the player being in control creates a higher level of immersion. Philippe Morin, co-founder of Red Barrels, the studio behind the popular Outlast series, believes that horror games amplify fear by making players feel powerless and unable to fight back. This allows developers to create effective scares without requiring elaborate animations. Red Barrels chose a first-person view to enhance the effectiveness of the scares while minimizing work on character animations. Supermassive Games, a British company known for their "playable horror movies," takes a different approach to creating fear and tension. Their games feel like films, but with branching narratives that allow players to make choices and decide what happens next. These interactive experiences are designed to cater to a wider audience, including those who may not typically play games. Creating effective scares in games requires careful testing. Developers like Supermassive observe players, gather feedback, and make adjustments to refine the fright factor. They ensure that each playthrough involves fresh participants rather than the same staff members, enabling them to gauge the scares' effectiveness accurately. Multiplayer horror games have become increasingly popular, especially among streamers. Supermassive has incorporated multiplayer features into their games, such as shared control and online voting modes. Red Barrels has also explored multiplayer in their latest game, The Outlast Trials, which has added chaos and adrenaline for players. Tech advancements play a significant role in evolving the horror genre. Capcom is excited about developments in 3D sound, while also aiming to make horror games accessible to a more diverse player base by implementing accessibility options. The topic of virtual reality (VR) also arises when discussing the future of horror games. Both Capcom and Supermassive have dabbled in VR and recognize its potential for creating an incredibly immersive experience. However, they acknowledge that VR adoption may take time due to factors such as device wearability, comfort, and cost. In conclusion, the horror game genre continues to thrive, and developers are constantly pushing boundaries to deliver terrifying experiences. As we enter this supposed "golden age of horror," the genre will persist until the right conditions for growth and advancement are met.