September, Friday 20, 2024

China grieves the loss of an esteemed, treasured companion - Henry Kissinger


The death of former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger has garnered nostalgia and compliments in China, emphasizing the complex relationship between the two countries. Social media platform Weibo saw a surge of activity, with millions of views and a top-liked comment saying, "You are forever a friend of Chinese people, rest in peace." Many users wondered about Kissinger's perspective on current China-US relations, while acknowledging his pivotal role in normalizing ties between the two nations. Regarded as an old and trusted friend, Kissinger's name is still taught in history lessons across China, symbolizing a time when the US and China embraced each other. Despite being criticized for his involvement in the Vietnam War, the bombing of Laos and Cambodia, and his support for the 1989 Tiananmen crackdown, Kissinger's engagement with China remained one of his main legacies. He held strong support for easing tensions between the US and China, even as China's influence grew as a global power. Kissinger continued to visit China frequently, with his last visit in July 2021, where he was warmly received by Chinese President Xi Jinping. The Chinese Communist Party praised Kissinger, highlighting his strategic vision, political courage, and diplomatic wisdom. However, in Taiwan, where concerns over Beijing's threats have heightened, opinions on Kissinger are less favorable due to his role in the normalization of US-China relations at the expense of Taiwan.