September, Thursday 19, 2024

Is Marine Le Pen's endorsement the end for Emmanuel Macron?


French President Emmanuel Macron is facing criticism for compromising his values in order to pass an immigration law, with some accusing him of losing his moral compass. The president's party, Renaissance, faced a setback when Marine Le Pen's far-right party played a significant role in shaping the final version of the law. The government had to accept stricter changes pushed by the mainstream right to avoid being seen as legislatively ineffective on a topic that is important to French voters. This compromise was already difficult for Macron's centrist party, but the situation became unbearable when Le Pen claimed an ideological victory and encouraged her deputies to vote for the law. The amended law introduces new conditions for accessing benefits, weakens automatic citizenship rights, and establishes annual immigration quotas. For Macron's party, relying on far-right votes to pass the law was embarrassing and triggered widespread discomfort. Criticism from the left and hard left has been strong, with claims that the law is xenophobic and resembles Trumpism. This political development signifies the end of Macron's attempt to straddle both sides of the political spectrum, as he now finds himself forced to form alliances with the right in order to get things done.