September, Thursday 19, 2024

Is this the first recorded sighting of a newborn great white shark on film?


Great white sharks are mysterious creatures, and the birth of one has never been witnessed before. However, a YouTuber named Carlos Gauna, also known as TheMalibuArtist, may have come close to capturing the birth of a great white shark. Carlos is popular on YouTube for his drone footage of sharks from above. His videos often show great whites swimming near humans, which can be quite intense. Last year, while at a beach near Santa Barbara, California, Carlos spotted something he had never seen before. He saw a small white shark that appeared to be albino-like, with a layer of white flakes coming off its body. Carlos brought his drone closer to get a better look, and he was joined by shark researcher Phil Sternes from the University of California. Both of them were amazed and excited, believing they had found a newborn great white shark. The shark had rounded fins, similar to those of shark embryos and newborns. The white layer on its body was also seen as evidence that it had just been born. They estimated the shark to be around 1.5 meters long, which is the right size for a newborn. Their observation has been published in the journal Environmental Biology of Fishes. However, some marine biologists caution against jumping to conclusions, suggesting that the white layer could be a result of a skin disease or other unknown factors. The sample size of one makes it difficult to draw definitive conclusions. Despite the skeptics, Carlos and Phil believe their finding is significant. They argue that the video footage provides additional evidence, such as the flaking of the white layer, the shape of the fins, and the size of the shark. Drones have played a crucial role in capturing such footage and revolutionizing shark filming. They have not only allowed citizen scientists like Carlos to contribute but have also been used by shark scientists to analyze behavior. Carlos continues to film sharks with his drone, hoping to one day capture the birth of a great white shark on video. He has noticed that great whites are more common along California's beaches than people realize and often interact with humans. With patience and persistence, he aims to be the first person to document the birth of a great white shark.