September, Friday 20, 2024

Hannah Waddingham discloses how an insult from her drama teacher motivated her to become a TV sensation


Hannah Waddingham, star of the show Ted Lasso, recently spoke about her experience with a drama teacher who told her that she would never succeed in television because of her appearance. The actress revealed that the teacher made an insulting comment about her face, but instead of discouraging her, it motivated her to prove them wrong. Waddingham has since won several awards for her role in Ted Lasso and has become a fan favorite for her appearances in other shows like Game of Thrones and Sex Education. Before finding success on screen, she was a leading actress in the theater. The drama teacher's comment left Waddingham with a complex for years, but she used her Emmy acceptance speech as an opportunity to advocate for theater and music performers. She believes the teacher's comment was neither helpful nor positive. Waddingham worked tirelessly to prove the teacher wrong, taking on any opportunity to get on screen, even while performing in theater shows at night. However, she eventually became frustrated with only getting small roles on TV and decided to stop accepting them. This led to her breakthrough role in Game of Thrones. Waddingham also mentioned another obstacle she faced in the form of her school headteacher, who believed she was wasting her academic abilities by pursuing acting. Despite this, Waddingham earned a scholarship to drama school and proved her headteacher wrong. Her advice to others with ambitions is to take a chance, be brave, and embrace their circumstances, even if things don't work out as planned.