September, Thursday 19, 2024

The Impact of the Hamas-Israel Conflict: Global Victims Affected by the Attacks on Israel


Several international citizens have been killed or are missing in the recent assault by Hamas on Israel. The victims include nine US citizens, one Canadian, more than ten British citizens, one French citizen, twelve Thais, ten Nepalis, a German-Israeli, a Beijing-born Chinese Israeli, three Brazilian-Israeli nationals, two Mexicans, one Irish-Israeli, and two Tanzanian students. The identities of those who lost their lives have not yet been confirmed. Among the missing is Hersh Golberg-Polin, an American-Israeli dual citizen who has not been heard from since Saturday morning. The situation is being closely monitored by the respective governments, and efforts are underway to locate and assist the affected individuals. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada and Prime Minister Rishi Sunak of the UK have expressed their condolences and support to Israel. Efforts are also being made to encourage citizens to register with their respective government agencies and seek assistance if needed.