September, Friday 20, 2024

Mothers' WhatsApp Group Captures Hamas Assault on Israeli Kibbutz Be’eri


On the morning of October 7, a group of mothers in the Be'eri kibbutz in southern Israel received messages on their WhatsApp group alerting them to the presence of a terrorist in the area. Over the next 20 hours, as Hamas gunmen terrorized the community, the women shared their experiences, fears, and calls for help through the chat. They described the sounds of explosions and gunfire, shared tips on coping with smoke, and asked for assistance that sometimes never came. The women changed the name of the group to "Be'eri Mothers Emergency" and used it as a lifeline during the most desperate moments. The chat reveals the details of how Hamas militants stalked and murdered people in their homes and the growing desperation as they awaited help that seemed to never arrive. Some members of the group are unaccounted for and presumed dead or missing. The chat also shows the strength and support that the women offered each other during this tragedy. The article also includes the stories of individual women and the harrowing experiences they faced during the Hamas attack. Eventually, help arrived, but the residents of Be'eri are left grappling with the loss and uncertainty of what comes next.