September, Friday 20, 2024

Haiti's Hospital Evacuates in Response to Escalating Gang Violence


Police in Port-au-Prince, the capital of Haiti, have evacuated a hospital due to nearby gang violence. The Fontaine Hospital Center had to remove over 100 patients, including many children, as a precautionary measure. The hospital is located in the Cite Soleil shantytown, where recent unrest has been reported following the death of a gang leader. Lawlessness in Haiti has reached unprecedented levels, with gang activities on the rise. The director of the hospital clarified earlier reports that gangs had entered the facility and taken people hostage. He stated that the violence was occurring around the hospital, with neighboring houses being set on fire. While some patients were able to escape on their own, others, including a woman who had given birth by Caesarean section the previous day, required assistance from local authorities. Fortunately, everyone was eventually brought to safety. According to sources, the situation at the hospital escalated rapidly. The tensions in the area were sparked by the killing of a powerful gang leader. Since the assassination of Haiti's president in 2021, gangs have gained increasing control over Port-au-Prince, causing a political crisis and forcing thousands to flee their homes. To help restore order, Kenya has pledged to send 1,000 police officers to Haiti, a move supported by the UN.