September, Friday 20, 2024

Gunmen Invade Ecuadorian Television Studio During Live Broadcast


Footage shows that a group of armed men has forcefully broken into a live television studio in Ecuador and threatened the staff. The incident took place during a live broadcast by station TC in the city of Guayaquil. The masked men, carrying guns, interrupted the program and forced the employees to lay on the floor until the live feed was abruptly cut. The incident occurred amidst a 60-day state of emergency that was declared in Ecuador after a notorious gang leader escaped from prison. The hooded assailants were later seen leaving the TC studios, with the police arriving approximately 30 minutes after their initial appearance. National police units have been deployed to the scene in Quito and Guayaquil. It is worth noting that since the state of emergency was put into effect, seven police officers have been abducted by gang members. This state of emergency was executed by President Daniel Noboa following the disappearance of the leader of the Los Choneros gang from a highly secure prison cell. Furthermore, in the early hours of Tuesday, nearly 40 other prisoners, including a convicted drug lord, escaped from a different penitentiary in the city of Riobamba.