September, Friday 20, 2024

Guinean Embarks on Bike Journey Through Six Nations in Pursuit of Admission to Egypt's Al-Azhar University


A student named Mamadou Safayou Barry has successfully completed a 4,000km (2,500 miles) cycling journey across West Africa in order to achieve his dream of attending Al-Azhar University in Egypt. Despite numerous challenges along the way, including arrests and extreme heat, Barry persevered in the hopes of being accepted into the prestigious institution. Setting off from Guinea in May, the 25-year-old cycled through countries that have been plagued by Islamist militants and political instability, such as Mali, Burkina Faso, Togo, Benin, Niger, and Chad. Despite not being able to afford the Islamic Studies course or the flights to Egypt, Barry felt compelled to take the risk and embark on this epic journey because of the university's esteemed reputation. Al-Azhar University, founded in AD670, is renowned as one of the most influential centers for Sunni Islamic education globally. Along his journey, Barry faced suspicion and adversity in certain countries he passed through, with the military's presence, big guns, and cars adding to the atmosphere of fear. He was even unjustly arrested and detained three times. However, Barry's luck turned around when he reached Chad, as an interview with a journalist led to generous individuals funding his flight to Egypt, bypassing war-torn parts of Sudan. On September 5th, he finally arrived in Cairo and had the opportunity to meet with Dr. Nahla Elseidy, the Dean of Islamic Studies, who was impressed by Barry's determination. Subsequently, Barry was offered a place in Al-Azhar's Islamic Studies course with a full scholarship. Dr. Elseidy mentioned on her social media channels that the university is committed to extending its knowledge and support to students worldwide. Barry expressed immense gratitude for receiving the scholarship, stating that he cannot fully convey his happiness and that he thanked God for the opportunity. The challenges faced during his journey are now overshadowed by the joy of being recognized as an al-Azhar scholar.