September, Thursday 19, 2024

Greta Thunberg participates in climate demonstration outside JP Morgan.


Greta Thunberg has joined a protest outside JP Morgan, urging the bank to cease funding fossil fuel projects. The Swedish climate activist is participating in the Fossil Free London action at the bank's office in Canary Wharf. To block the entrance, activists have chosen to sit on the pavement, chanting slogans like "oily money out" while waving yellow flags and banners. This demonstration follows a previous protest on Park Lane where oil executives had gathered for the Energy Intelligence Forum. At that event, Thunberg was arrested and charged with a public order offense along with 26 others. Fossil Free London claims that JP Morgan has been a significant source of funding for fossil fuel projects since the Paris Agreement, which aimed to limit temperature rises to 1.5C above pre-industrial levels. One campaigner emphasized the bank's immense profits while much of the world is suffering from the climate crisis, expressing the need for JP Morgan to halt new fossil fuel investments and allocate funds towards communities affected by climate change.