September, Friday 20, 2024

Impending Government Shutdown Looms Over Washington DC


The US government is facing the possibility of another shutdown as Congress is expected to miss a deadline to fund federal agencies. This would be the fourth shutdown in the past decade, and its impact could be significant, affecting various aspects such as air travel, national parks, and marriage licenses. If a shutdown occurs, most government employees will be furloughed without pay, and nutrition programs will be halted. The current situation stems from a revolt by hard-right lawmakers in the House of Representatives. Republicans have a slim majority in the House, while Democrats control the Senate by a single seat. This means that both parties need to agree on spending bills to keep the government open. However, a faction of right-wing lawmakers has disrupted negotiations by demanding significant spending cuts, including an end to US funding for the war in Ukraine. Former President Donald Trump has voiced support for these hard-liners, further complicating the situation. Speaker Kevin McCarthy's attempts to break the impasse have been thwarted by this faction. Furthermore, McCarthy has refused to consider a short-term funding bill proposed in the Senate, which has bipartisan support and aims to prevent a lengthy shutdown. On Friday, a short-term funding measure proposed by House Republicans, including strict border policies favored by hardliners, failed to pass. McCarthy warned that Republicans would have to choose between the House bill or the Senate's version to avoid being blamed for a shutdown. However, the rebel lawmakers insisted on a long-term spending bill that addresses their priorities. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer criticized McCarthy for proposing "truly radical" measures that would not pass both chambers. The White House supported Schumer's calls for the House to back the Senate's spending bill. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warned that a failure to act responsibly by House Republicans would have adverse effects on American families and the economy. In the event of a shutdown, key government functions such as loans to farmers and small businesses, food and workplace safety inspections, and infrastructure improvements would be affected. Shutdowns occur when Congress is unable to approve the necessary portion of the federal budget before the start of the fiscal year. This means that, on Monday, except for essential workers, hundreds of thousands of federal workers would be without pay. The shutdown would also impact programs such as the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Museums, national parks, research facilities, and community health centers receiving federal government oversight or funding would suspend operations. Additionally, the agency responsible for disaster relief is preparing for the possibility of a shutdown coinciding with an above-normal Atlantic hurricane season. The occurrence of budget disputes leading to shutdowns has been criticized as a reflection of Washington's dysfunction and partisan divides. The last government shutdown under former President Trump in 2019 lasted 34 days and had significant economic consequences.