September, Friday 20, 2024

"Revolutionary Google DeepMind AI Accelerates the Hunt for Disease-Causing Genes"


DeepMind, the AI company owned by Google, has utilized artificial intelligence to identify alterations in human DNA that may be responsible for causing diseases. The researchers claim to have identified 89% of all crucial mutations. This breakthrough is expected to accelerate the process of diagnosing diseases and aid in the search for improved treatments. Prof Ewan Birney, deputy director general of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory, described the work as a significant advancement that will assist clinical researchers in identifying disease-causing areas. The technique involves examining the sequencing of components in human DNA strands. If these components are out of order, it can lead to improperly formed cells and tissues, potentially resulting in disease. Google DeepMind's AI has previously determined the structure of almost all proteins in the human body. The new system, named AlphaMissense, can predict whether the DNA sequence will produce the appropriate protein structure. Currently, genetic disease researchers possess limited knowledge about which regions of human DNA can cause diseases. However, Google DeepMind's AlphaMissense has increased this percentage from 0.1% to 89%. This allows researchers to focus on new potential disease-causing areas that were previously unknown. The tool has been tested by Genomics England, who collaborate with the NHS, and Dr Ellen Thomas from Genomics England asserts that the health service will be among the first organizations to benefit from this development. AI is predicted to play a pivotal role in the field of molecular biology and life sciences, transforming many aspects of research and clinical work.