September, Friday 20, 2024

Golriz Ghahraman, Member of Parliament in New Zealand, steps down after being accused of shoplifting.


A New Zealand MP from the Green Party has resigned after being accused of shoplifting. Golriz Ghahraman allegedly stole items from two clothing stores in Auckland and Wellington. The police are currently investigating the allegations. Ghahraman, a former UN human rights lawyer, became the first refugee in the country's government in 2017. She cited work-related stress as the reason for her actions, stating that it made her behave out of character. She expressed remorse and apologized for letting people down. The 42-year-old politician, who has not been charged with any crime, said her behaviour fell short of the expected high standards. Ghahraman mentioned that after medical evaluation, she realized she was unwell and attributed her actions to extreme stress and previously unrecognized trauma. Her resignation comes after the emergence of a CCTV footage allegedly showing her taking a designer handbag. The Green Party co-leaders acknowledged the continuous threats and abuse Ghahraman has faced throughout her time in parliament, with one stating that these circumstances have undoubtedly impacted her mental health. Despite her resignation, she will continue to receive support from the party. Ghahraman has previously spoken out about the abuse she has experienced due to her Iranian heritage, gender, and her public stance on various issues.