September, Thursday 19, 2024

French Museum Removes Waxwork of Gerard Depardieu Following Sexual Assault Accusations


The Grevin Museum in France has decided to remove a waxwork figure of actor Gerard Depardieu after he faced allegations of rape and sexual assault. The statue was taken down due to negative reactions from visitors and criticism on social media. Depardieu, a well-known French star, has been under investigation for rape and sexual assault since 2020, and he was also accused of sexual assault or harassment by multiple women in April. Despite vehemently denying all allegations, the actor's image has been tarnished further with the release of a documentary that includes footage of him making obscene and sexist remarks about women. In the documentary, he humiliated his female interpreter with inappropriate comments about his weight. The Paris prosecutors are also investigating the apparent suicide of actress Emmanuelle DeBeer, who alleged in 2019 that Depardieu had sexually assaulted her decades ago. However, it should be noted that no crime has been proven to have been committed so far. Depardieu's family claims there is a conspiracy against him. The Grevin Museum had displayed the life-size waxwork of the actor since 1981, alongside other notable figures. In recent days, other organizations and institutions have distanced themselves from Depardieu. A Belgian municipality revoked his honorary citizenship, and the Canadian province of Quebec rescinded its top honor in light of his controversial comments about women. The French Culture Minister also suggested that Depardieu could be stripped of the Legion of Honour, France's highest accolade.