September, Thursday 19, 2024

Feminists express criticism towards Emmanuel Macron for defending actor Gérard Depardieu


French President Emmanuel Macron has faced criticism from feminist figures for his defense of actor Gérard Depardieu. Macron stated in an interview that Depardieu was being pursued like a fugitive and argued that he should not be stripped of France's highest honor, the Legion of Honor. The actor has been accused of sexual assault or harassment by 13 women and was shown making obscene remarks in a recent documentary. Despite these allegations, Macron praised Depardieu as a great actor who brings pride to France. However, the Prime Minister of Quebec responded by revoking Depardieu's National Order honor. Macron insisted that the Legion of Honor should not be revoked based on reports and stated it is not meant for moral judgments. Depardieu is currently under judicial investigation for rape and sexual assault allegations. He has vehemently denied all the accusations. Sandrine Rousseau, an MP for the Green party, criticized Macron for insulting victims of sexual violence with his defense of Depardieu, stating that someone who sexualizes a 10-year-old child cannot make a country proud. Paris councilor Raphaëlle Rémy-Leleu highlighted the lack of accountability for Depardieu and emphasized that victims of sexual assault should not be disregarded for a man's reputation. Feminist groups expressed disappointment with Macron's term in office, claiming that his policies have been insufficient to address the deeply ingrained sexism in the system. They also criticized his appointment of Gérald Darmanin as interior minister, despite facing two rape accusations. Darmanin has not been convicted, and one of his accuser's cases was dismissed in 2022. Overall, feminist figures believe that Macron has let down French women despite his previous commitment to gender equality. Élisabeth Borne, the second female head of government in France, who was appointed prime minister by Macron, remains in office.