September, Friday 20, 2024

Homicide Confirmed in Tragic Case of Baby's Decapitation During Georgia Birth Delivery


The death of a baby who was decapitated during delivery in Georgia has been ruled a homicide by the medical examiner's office. The parents, Jessica Ross and Treveon Taylor, have sued the hospital, claiming they were not informed about the decapitation. The cause of death was determined to be a broken neck from human action. The hospital has denied any wrongdoing. Treveon Taylor accused the doctor and the hospital of lying and not allowing them to see their son. The parents are seeking justice for their baby. The family's attorney stated that the baby became stuck in the birth canal due to shoulder dystocia, but the hospital did not take proper action. The family alleges that excessive force was used by the doctor, resulting in the baby's decapitation. The hospital has denied these allegations, claiming that the baby's death occurred in utero. The family also accuses the hospital of covering up the decapitation and withholding information. The Clayton County Medical Examiner's Office was only notified of the incident after a funeral home found it unusual that they were not involved. The office has now referred the incident to the police.