September, Friday 20, 2024

Escalating Tensions between Gaza and Israel Intensify with Imposed Closures and Increasing Clashes


Thousands of Palestinian workers in the northern Gaza Strip waited anxiously for the reopening of the Erez crossing after a 12-day closure. The closure was in response to violent protests by the separation fence with Israel. For many of these workers, the reopening of the crossing was crucial as they rely on daily wages to support their families. The closure had also caused financial hardships for some workers who had accrued debts to middlemen who arranged their Israeli permits. The crossing is a lifeline for around 18,000 authorized Gazan workers who are able to work in Israel and escape the dire economic conditions at home. The protests along the boundary fence were restarted earlier this month by hundreds of young Palestinians. These protests, approved and encouraged by Hamas, have involved burning tires, throwing stones and explosive devices, as well as sending incendiary balloons and kites into southern Israel. The Israeli military has responded with tear gas and live fire. While Hamas claims the protests are a response to the tough living conditions in Gaza, some Palestinians fear a repeat of the deadly protests known as the "Great March of Return" that took place between 2018 and 2019. During that time, Israeli snipers killed over 300 Palestinians and injured thousands more. There is speculation that Hamas is using these protests to distract attention from its own economic troubles and to exert leverage in the ongoing indirect talks with Israel led by Egypt, Qatar, and the UN. As part of these talks, Israel is reportedly offering economic privileges if Hamas halts its military activities. However, Hamas is facing difficulties balancing its responsibilities as a governing power and its militant ideology. It recently announced wage cuts for civil servants due to a financial crisis exacerbated by reduced funding from Qatar. Israel is also concerned about increased weapons transfers by Hamas to the West Bank, which has led to heightened tensions in the region. The Israeli Defense Minister has warned that Israel is prepared to take action against Hamas if necessary, referencing a previous offensive that targeted the leadership of Islamic Jihad. Meanwhile, Palestinian workers are scrambling to pass through the Erez crossing before it temporarily closes for the Jewish Sukkot holiday. The reopening of the crossing provides temporary relief for these workers who have been struggling to support their families during the closure.