September, Friday 20, 2024

Analysis reveals new details about explosion at Gaza hospital


The cause of the explosion at Al-Ahli Arab hospital in Gaza City is still uncertain, with different parties providing conflicting explanations. The Palestinian authorities in Gaza accused Israel of launching an air strike on the hospital, but Israel claimed that a misfired rocket from the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) group was to blame. Both the UK and US have also conducted assessments, with the UK stating that a missile fired from Gaza towards Israel was the likely cause. However, none of these parties have released the evidence supporting their claims. The number of casualties is also disputed, with Gaza's health ministry reporting nearly 500 deaths, while the Israeli military claimed a much lower number. The lack of weapon fragments, the small size of the crater, and the video footage of a projectile rising over Gaza have been areas of focus in investigating the incident. Some experts have pointed out that the absence of weapon remnants is unusual, and the damage on the ground suggests a rocket or smaller munition as the cause. There has been debate about whether the explosion in the sky, seen in a video clip from Al Jazeera, is related to the blast at the hospital. Some analysts believe the mid-air explosion occurred closer to the Gaza-Israel border, indicating that another projectile caused the deadly blast. The footage has also led to different interpretations, with some suggesting it shows an Iron Dome missile interception and others disagreeing. It is crucial for independent investigators to have access to the site, any physical evidence, and survivors for a thorough investigation, although this has not yet been granted.