September, Friday 20, 2024

Gaza under Israeli Strikes: Palestinians Endure Fear and Disorder


Over the weekend, the situation in Gaza shifted dramatically. After initially celebrating their rocket attacks on Israel, people in Gaza are now staying indoors due to continuous Israeli shelling. Explosions have been ongoing, causing terror and covering the Gaza Strip in black smoke. Hamas claims that 150 targets, including military positions, the homes of their leaders, and Hamas-controlled banks, have been hit by Israeli strikes. Notably, the Watan Tower, a vital internet hub in Gaza, was among the targets. Amidst the Israeli bombardments, over 300 people have been killed, with half of the victims being civilians, including women and children, according to Hamas. Power, food, and water supplies have been cut off, exacerbating an already dire humanitarian situation. In the midst of the violence, Gaza's under-equipped hospitals struggle to cope and have made desperate pleas for blood donors. One hospital director described the situation as a "slaughterhouse," with an overwhelming number of casualties and insufficient medical staff. As tensions escalated, residents in a particular area of Gaza City were advised via SMS from the Israeli army to take shelter ahead of strikes. More than 20,000 people sought refuge at UN sites. Despite understanding the consequences of attacking Israel, Hamas continues its "retaliatory attacks" and vows to continue. While some Gazans view the rocket attacks as a cause for celebration, others fear that the violence will persist for a prolonged period.