September, Friday 20, 2024

Terrifying Scene Unfolds in Gaza as Families Escaped a Devastating 2am Air Strike


The only power plant in Gaza has run out of fuel, leaving the territory without electricity. The situation has worsened as medical and food supplies are dwindling. The air strikes from Israeli warplanes have continued for the fifth consecutive day, leading to desperate conditions for the 2.3 million people living in Gaza. The Israeli military implemented a complete siege on Gaza, cutting off essential supplies, including fuel, after a violent incursion by Hamas militants. The lack of fuel also means that residents cannot import fuel for generators, further exacerbating the power outage. The closures of the Israeli crossings and Egypt's only crossing point due to nearby air strikes have trapped the population in Gaza, with little hope of leaving. Families are desperately seeking shelter amid the continuous airstrikes. The impact of the siege and airstrikes is evident with bare supermarket shelves and the inability of the health system to address the increasing number of injured individuals. With the health system on the verge of collapse, the World Health Organization has called for a humanitarian corridor to be opened. The situation in Gaza has drawn international condemnation, with the UN human rights chief labeling the siege illegal under international law. While Israel claims it is not targeting civilians, the decision to cut off essential supplies to the population is seen as collective punishment. The people of Gaza, who are accustomed to war, describe this conflict as different and increasingly desperate.