September, Friday 20, 2024

Author of Game of Thrones Takes Legal Action Against OpenAI for Ownership of ChatGPT


US authors George RR Martin and John Grisham have filed a lawsuit against OpenAI, the owner of ChatGPT, accusing the company of copyright infringement. The authors claim that their books were used without permission to train the language model, which they argue violates their rights. Other notable authors, including Jonathan Franzen, Jodi Picoult, and George Saunders, are also involved in the complaint, which has been brought to the federal court in Manhattan by the Authors Guild. OpenAI has stated that it respects authors' rights and believes they should benefit from AI technology. The lawsuit raises concerns about the unauthorized use of copyrighted material and the displacement of human-authored content by AI. However, legal experts believe it is unlikely that the lawsuit will succeed, as the authors would first need to prove that ChatGPT copied their work. They argue that the focus should be on addressing the broader impact of AI on the creative arts through legislation. This case is part of a larger trend of legal action against generative AI developers. OpenAI is currently involved in another lawsuit, along with Microsoft and GitHub, over claims that their code was used without permission to train an AI called Copilot. None of these cases have been resolved yet.