September, Friday 20, 2024

G20 expresses concern over the Ukraine conflict while refraining from explicitly accusing Russia


During the G20 summit in India, leaders from the group agreed on a joint declaration that included a statement on the war in Ukraine. The statement condemned the use of force for territorial gain but did not directly criticize Russia. The Ukrainian government expressed disappointment with the statement. The summit also discussed other global issues such as climate change and the debt burden of developing countries. The declaration appeared to be designed to appease both the West and Russia but was less condemning of Moscow than the declaration at the previous summit in Bali. Ukraine was not invited to the summit this year and criticized the dropping of any reference to Russian aggression. Another significant development was Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi inviting the African Union (AU) to become a permanent member of the G20, which will give Africa wider representation on a global platform. Climate change was also discussed, and the G20 countries expressed their commitment to tripling renewable energy capacity globally. Developing countries were able to secure flexibility on greenhouse emissions peaking, insisting that the timeframes should be shaped by sustainable development and other national circumstances. The G20 also pledged to address the debt vulnerabilities in developing countries.