September, Friday 20, 2024

Possible Future Scenario: Nuclear Reactors Integrated into Data Centres


Chris Sharp, the chief technology officer at Digital Realty, a US business that constructs data centres, believes that the growing demand for artificial intelligence (AI) will require a new source of power. AI systems require more processing power and electricity than standard computing, putting a strain on the existing power grid. Sharp suggests that nuclear power could be the solution, specifically Small Modular Reactors (SMRs), which are advanced designs for nuclear reactors with lower power generation. While there are currently no SMRs in commercial operation, China is building the world's first one. Some companies see data centres as the ideal candidates for SMR designs due to their high power requirements. However, opponents believe that the high cost and safety concerns of nuclear power make SMRs unrealistic compared to renewable energy sources. Oklo, a company in California, has developed an SMR design and plans to manufacture them quickly and safely for data centres. Despite opposition, proponents of nuclear power see it as the only solution to power the growing AI data centre industry.