September, Thursday 19, 2024

French nonchalant about Muslim backlash over prohibition of abayas in schools


The French belief in the importance of la laïcité, or secularism, is at the center of the debate on whether teenage girls should be allowed to express their religious beliefs while attending school. The banning of the Muslim abaya robe in schools has received overwhelming support from the French population, despite causing astonishment and outrage in the outside world. The ban is seen as a way to uphold the values of equality and fraternity, and it is not a new issue. France has had laws in place since 2004 barring conspicuous displays of religious affiliation in schools. The recent increase in occurrences of breaches of secularism in schools, with Muslim girls wearing the abaya being the majority, prompted the government to enforce the ban. Some argue that the ban goes against religious freedom and cultural identity, while others believe it is necessary to maintain secularism and prevent France from becoming divided along religious lines. The political establishment, as well as the majority of the French population, support the ban. Despite some acts of defiance, there has been no mass movement of resistance against the ban. The ban was upheld by France's highest administrative court, the State Council.