September, Thursday 19, 2024

French Minister Darmanin engages in a heated exchange with footballer Karim Benzema over the Gaza conflict


French footballer Karim Benzema is considering taking legal action after being accused by Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin of having connections with the Muslim Brotherhood. The comments were made in response to Benzema's tweet expressing prayers for the people of Gaza, who he described as victims of unjust bombardments. Darmanin criticized the footballer for not showing similar sympathy towards Israeli victims of Hamas. Darmanin stated that Benzema was well-known for his links with the Muslim Brotherhood, an organization associated with jihadism. Benzema denied the accusations and his lawyer threatened to sue Darmanin for slander. The lawyer argued that Benzema's prayers were an act of compassion and not propaganda or complicity in terrorism. Additionally, Benzema considered taking legal action against right-wing deputy Nadine Morano for calling him a Hamas propaganda element. The Interior Minister refused to retract his comments, insisting that Benzema issue another tweet condemning the recent Islamist murder of a schoolteacher. The Muslim Brotherhood is an 80-year-old movement originating in Egypt and has provided the basis for various Islamist organizations, including Hamas. While banned in some Middle Eastern countries, it is not considered a terrorist group in most of the EU. The attack on Benzema sparked criticism from the political left, who accused Darmanin of using the situation for political gain. Benzema has had a strained relationship with the French public, with a reputation as a troublemaker. In 2021, he received a suspended prison sentence for his involvement in a blackmail case. Analysts suggest that Darmanin's remarks could be targeted at right-wing voters in preparation for the next presidential election. Although there is no legal basis for taking action against Benzema, those close to Darmanin claimed that the footballer's actions and social media posts reflect a strict Islam associated with the Brotherhood's ideology. Prominent lawyer Emmanuel Daoud expressed shock at Darmanin's statements, questioning whether it was acceptable for the interior minister, who is also responsible for religion, to link expressing compassion to affiliations with the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas, stating that it goes against France's fundamental values.