September, Friday 20, 2024

Accounts from Released Hamas Hostages Reveal Terrifying Conditions of Confinement


According to stories told by those who have been freed from captivity in Gaza, the conditions were described as squalor, uncertainty, and fear. These hostages, released under the Israel-Hamas truce deal, have shared their experiences through their families, revealing the emotional and physical scars they have endured. One hostage, Ruti Munder, learned about her son's death in Israel through a radio used by the guards. Another woman, Deborah Cohen, revealed that her 12-year-old nephew was forced to watch videos of Hamas' rampage through southern Israel. The hostages were subjected to cramped, airless rooms with little access to food. Some were made to sleep on bare benches without mattresses, while others were given just two slices of bread a day. In addition to the physical hardships, many are struggling with the psychological strain of their ordeal. Some children, for example, have been conditioned not to make any noise and still speak in whispers. The hostages have also been denied vital medications, resulting in serious health consequences. Overall, the accounts reveal a picture of inhumane treatment and trauma endured by those held captive by Hamas.