September, Friday 20, 2024

The size of Mont Blanc, the tallest peak in France, is diminishing

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Researchers have discovered that the tallest mountain in France, Mont Blanc, has decreased in height over the past two years. The peak of Mont Blanc was measured at 4,805.59m (15,766ft 4 in), which is 2.22m shorter than in 2021. The chief geometer, Jean des Garets, suggests that the decrease in height could be attributed to less rain during this summer. The measuring of the mountain occurs every two years in an attempt to monitor the effects of climate change on the Alps. Mr. des Garets explains that since measurements began in 2001, it has been observed that the altitude and position of Mont Blanc are constantly changing, with variations of up to five meters. He also mentions the possibility of Mont Blanc becoming taller in the next two years. However, previous measurements have shown that the mountain is losing an average of 13cm in height each year. The purpose of these measurements is to collect data for future generations, according to Mr. des Garets. He clarifies that his team focuses on gathering the data and leaves the interpretation to the scientists. He cautions against using the height measurement to make unfounded claims. The amount of snow and ice on Mont Blanc's rocky peak determines its varying height, which depends on wind and weather conditions. The researchers believe that the decrease in height could be due to lower precipitation this year. If there had been more significant precipitation and lower winds, a higher peak would have been recorded. The concerns about Mont Blanc's shrinkage are not limited to this mountain alone. Recent reports reveal that glaciers in Switzerland have experienced the second-largest annual loss, indicating a clear symptom of global warming. To measure Mont Blanc's height, a team of 20 people climbed the mountain last month. They divided into eight groups and used a drone for the first time to determine the summit's height. Small receivers were planted in the snow to model the ice cap, emitting a GPS signal that provided measurements to the nearest centimeter. Mont Blanc, also known as "the roof of Europe," attracts between 20,000 and 30,000 climbers each year. The most popular climbing route is restricted to 214 climbers per day to prevent overcrowding. In 2013, a climber discovered a box of buried treasure on the mountain containing valuable gems, and in 2021, he received half of the box's contents valued at around £128,000. The highest recorded height of Mont Blanc was 4,810.90m (15,783ft 79in) in 2007. It is important to note that human-induced climate change has resulted in more frequent, intense, and longer heatwaves. The world has already warmed by approximately 1.1C since the beginning of the industrial era, and temperatures will continue to rise unless governments worldwide take significant steps to reduce emissions.