September, Friday 20, 2024

Finland to Seal Off Entire Russian Border Amid Influx of Migrants


Finland has decided to close all crossings on its border with Russia, accusing Moscow of intentionally assisting migrants in entering the country. The government has already closed seven out of eight road posts due to an increase in crossings this month. The final road crossing, located in the Arctic Circle, will also be closed for two weeks starting on Thursday. The number of asylum seekers entering Finland from Russia has risen to around 900 in November, up from less than one person per day on average. These asylum seekers come from countries such as Morocco, Pakistan, and Syria. Prime Minister Petteri Orpo stated that Finland is determined to stop these crossings. The government argues that Russia is directing asylum seekers towards Finland as part of an "influence operation" and "hybrid attack." As a result, the government has progressively closed more border posts, including the Raja-Jooseppi crossing, which will be closed by Friday. However, a rail crossing will remain open for freight traffic. While only a few migrants crossed through Raja-Jooseppi on Monday and Tuesday, the government is taking the risk seriously, considering it a threat to national security. Critics argue that Finland is neglecting its obligations under international law, particularly regarding the right to seek asylum. The closure of official crossing points may force asylum seekers to resort to dangerous routes through vast forests and rivers along the border. Pia Lindfors, executive director of the Finnish Refugee Advice Centre, expressed concerns about the decision, especially now that winter has arrived, making the journey even more perilous. Lindfors called for Finnish authorities to provide assistance to those in need on the Russian side of the border and refrain from pushing people who cross illegally back into Russia, which goes against the principle of non-refoulement.