September, Friday 20, 2024

Thousands of protesters fill Delhi as farmers' demonstration transforms the city into a heavily guarded stronghold


Thousands of farmers in India are marching towards the capital, Delhi, to demand guaranteed prices for their crops. This protest comes after a previous year-long demonstration in 2020, where farmers camped at Delhi's borders to protest against controversial agricultural reforms. Although the government agreed to repeal the laws and the protest ended, the farmers claim that their demands have not been fully met. As a result, the farmers have hit the streets once again. In an effort to prevent a repeat of the previous protest, Delhi's borders have been sealed by the police. These farmers form a significant voting bloc, and with general elections approaching, the government is cautious not to alienate them. The government and farm union leaders have held two rounds of talks, but a resolution has not been reached. The farmers are specifically asking for assured floor prices, also known as minimum support prices (MSP), and the government's promise to double farmers' income. While some demands have been met, such as the withdrawal of cases against protesters, no agreement has been made regarding MSP. Additionally, a panel was supposed to be set up to ensure support prices for all farm produce but has yet to deliver its report. Barricades, barbed wire border fences, and cement blocks have been deployed to prevent protesters from entering the capital. Large gatherings have also been prohibited, and internet services have been suspended in some districts. Over 200 farmer unions are participating in the march, with the goal of peacefully making the government address their demands. In conjunction with the march, farmers and trade unions have announced a rural strike on February 16th, during which no agricultural activities will take place, and major roads across the country will be blocked.