September, Thursday 19, 2024

Worker Sentenced to Prison for Tainting Food Intended for Nando's


A man named Garry Jones has been sentenced to three years in prison for intentionally contaminating food products that were being prepared for Nando's. Jones, who worked at a food manufacturing company in Worcestershire, admitted to adding plastic bags, rubber gloves, and ring pulls to hummus and salad dressings. The company, Harvey & Brockless, stated that none of the tampered products reached the end customers, as they were quickly identified and returned. An internal investigation revealed that other boxes had also been tampered with, leading to the conclusion that an employee was responsible. CCTV footage showed Jones deliberately tampering with the food products while he was alone. He was arrested, admitted to the crime, and was later sentenced. The manufacturer has since reinforced its security measures and invested in additional CCTV cameras. The Crown Prosecution Service described the case as "extremely disturbing" and emphasized the potential harm that could have been caused if Jones had not been caught. In addition to the contamination charge, Jones was also sentenced for burglary, as he had broken into a colleague's house and stolen a hairbrush. It is important to note that none of the contaminated products were destined for Ivy Group restaurants, as previously reported.