September, Friday 20, 2024

Hungary's Orban under scrutiny as EU leaders deliberate on backing Ukraine


The upcoming EU leaders' summit is crucial for Ukraine, as it needs the reluctant support of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. Orban has been opposed to Ukraine's bid to join the EU and has also resisted its pleas for aid. He believes that war, corruption, a large agricultural sector, and mistreatment of the Hungarian minority disqualify Ukraine from joining the EU in the near future. The summit's agenda includes a symbolic invitation for Ukraine to begin formal negotiations, along with a pledge of €54 billion in EU funds to support the Ukrainian economy until 2024, and an additional €24 billion in military assistance. However, Hungarian objections pose a threat to these plans. Despite broad support for Ukraine from other EU countries, Budapest could block Ukraine's requests. Even Poland's Prime Minister Donald Tusk has warned against apathy towards Ukraine. As the summit begins, a possible compromise is emerging, with the EU Commission announcing the unblocking of €10.2 billion in frozen funds for Hungary. This move may help soften Orban's stance, although Brussels officials deny any blackmailing. Most EU leaders stand behind Ukraine, including Slovakia's Robert Fico, who will support talks on Ukraine's EU accession despite halting military aid. President Zelensky urgently requires progress at the summit, having failed to secure US aid during his visit to Washington. The European Commission is eager to provide Ukraine with the necessary support for peace negotiations. Ukraine has made efforts to address Hungary's concerns by passing legislation guaranteeing the rights of minorities, including Hungarians, to study in their own language. Additionally, Ukraine has enacted an anti-corruption law required by the EU, which weakens the Orban government's critique. However, it is important to note that Ukraine is not yet ready for immediate EU membership. Starting membership negotiations is a symbolic display of solidarity from the EU. Orban's position can be seen as an abstention, as he does not want to contribute to what he perceives as a bad decision but has reportedly enabled sanctions against Russia. Orban's chief of staff, Balazs Orban, has highlighted that Hungary's EU funding and Ukraine's financing should be treated as separate matters. Orban maintains that he cannot be blackmailed, and financial matters should not be mixed with issues of principle. The stakes are higher for Ukraine, as President Zelensky risks losing the war with Russia, while Orban aims to increase Hungary's influence in Europe. Zelensky hopes for an invitation to start accession talks and significant financial aid, while Orban desires a strategic partnership between the EU and Ukraine.