September, Friday 20, 2024

Former military serviceman successfully defended his kibbutz community against Hamas attackers


One of the initial Israeli settlements to face an attack from Hamas militants when they entered Israel was the Nir Am kibbutz. However, the local residents successfully defended their community and repelled the attackers. Adam, an ex-special forces member, played a vital role in this defense. He woke up to the sound of gunfire and immediately took action, armed with his pistol, bulletproof vest, and other essentials. Alongside other men from the kibbutz, including civilians with no combat experience, Adam fought off the attackers for several hours. He believed that if the militants had entered the kibbutz, the residents, including women and children, would have been killed. The people of Nir Am are now residing in a hotel in Tel Aviv, unsure when they will be able to return home. Despite the temporary shelter, they remain at risk, as sirens continue to warn of rocket attacks. Adam is critical of the Israeli government's failure to predict and prepare for the attack and calls for stronger military action against Hamas. However, he opposes having Israeli troops enter Gaza, as it might lead to more traps and casualties. Only one resident of Nir Am was killed during the attack, and Adam and his civilian defense force successfully safeguarded the kibbutz.