September, Friday 20, 2024

EU not paying much attention to Starmer's plan to strengthen UK-EU relations


The possibility of Brexit returning to the political agenda in the UK has been raised with the upcoming general election next year. Opposition leader Keir Starmer has stated that if he becomes prime minister, he would seek a "much better" deal with the EU. Starmer recently visited the Hague and Paris, including a meeting with President Emmanuel Macron. The trip coincided with the publication of a think tank paper commissioned by the French and German governments on EU reform. The paper mentioned the possibility of the UK becoming an "associate member" of the EU, making financial contributions in exchange for a closer economic relationship. This sparked debates among MPs about Brexit and the meaning of the EU's offer. However, diplomats from various EU countries dismissed the idea that the paper was connected to Starmer's visit or had any significance in EU-UK relations. The main focus of the paper was on expanding the EU's membership and functioning, given potential new members like Ukraine. While it briefly mentioned the UK, EU leaders have shifted their focus elsewhere since Brexit. They also recognize that the UK has ruled out re-joining the EU or its single market and customs union, but they welcome the pragmatic approach of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Starmer's desire to improve bilateral relations. The proposal raised in the paper of renegotiating the Brexit deal has little support within the EU at the moment. EU-UK relations have already improved since Brexit, particularly due to increased cooperation on issues like Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The paper also discussed the concept of a multi-speed or multi-layered Europe, with the UK potentially being included under "associate membership." However, this idea has faced criticism from some Brexiteers who view it as a betrayal. For now, the current arm's length relationship between the UK and EU seems to be the most comfortable for both sides. It should be noted that the academic paper has not been endorsed by the German or French government and its proposals may only be discussed at an EU leaders' summit later this year.